LIBRO Lies My Doctor Told Me: Medical Myths That Can Harm Your Health de Ken Berry PDF ePub
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Reseña del editor Eat low-fat and high-carb, including plenty of 'healthy' whole grains - does that sound familiar? Perhaps this is what you were told at your last doctor's appointment or visit with a nutritionist, or perhaps it is something you read online when searching for a healthy diet. And perhaps you've been misled. Dr. Ken Berry is here to dispel the myths and misinformation that have been perpetuated by the medical and food industries for decades. This updated and expanded edition of Dr. Berry's bestseller Lies My Doctor Told Me exposes the truth behind all kinds of 'lies' told by well-meaning but misinformed medical practitioners. Biografía del autor Ken D Berry, MD is a Board-Certified Family Physician practicing in a small town in rural America. After practicing more than a decade, and seeing more than 20,000 patients, Dr. Berry has seen the best and the worst that is American medical practice. He is a lucky husband, proud father and full-time practicing doctor. Dr Berry and his beautiful wife Neisha live on their farm in Tennessee.
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